
Unchecky: Prevent bundled software, crapware from being installed

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If I ask you the number of times y'all take unintentionally installed third-party software on your PC, I'm sure you volition take a hard time counting. We've all been there, carefully unchecking irrelevant options, while installing software or application. But what almost those times when you hurriedly installed something and missed out on unchecking the unwanted crapware, Bundleware, PUPs, or scareware? What's next, you have a new dwelling house folio, your favorite search engine is nowhere to be seen, and there are unwanted toolbars on your homepage. Your organisation's speed is hampered, and you waste product time on finding the root of the crusade! Here is where Unchecky can come to your help!

Unchecky prevents adware installation

How yous wish, there was an application that can save all the trouble and automatically unchecks those boxes for y'all, keeping away from the unwanted adware? Well, there is one. Unchecky is the answer when it comes to avoiding unnecessary third-political party programs to be installed on your computer.


Unchecky will forbid & stop crapware, junkware, adware, spyware & bundled software from beingness installed on your  Windows PC by sneaky freeware.

How does Unchecky work

  • Whenever you install a new programme, a proactive Unchecky will be spontaneous to deselect the irrelevant offers, which will non only save you a lot of mouse clicks, but also keeps your system away from the Potentially Unwanted Programs.


  • Unchecky will besides warn you when you accept a potentially unwanted offer. Unchecky most never misses to uncheck any such offering, just even if an offer is not mentioned, it will warn you of its authorisation and save you from installing any hidden or sneaky programs.


  • Unchecky is totally user-friendly, you simply have to install information technology, and it takes care of everything. Moreover, there is no need to bother with an updated version of this app because it is programmed to update on its ain.

Adding on to the above, you also accept the option toSuspend  the Unchecky service when you know cipher new is to exist installed on your PC and so, Resume it in one case required.

Become ahead and download this very useful tool from its official website and practise share with us if it worked for you lot.

Supreet is a content marketer and blogger. She has a corporate experience of more than 3 years of serving IT, Manufacturing & Advertising firms; MARCOM existence her core areas of expertise. Supreet is an MBA in International Business & Marketing.



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