
Jaime Sullivan Wouldn't Want A Tattoo?

A Walk to Remember (2002) Poster



  • Landon : Are yous scared?

    Jamie : To decease...

    [Landon looks upset]

    Jamie : Lighten up.

    Landon : Information technology's non funny.

    Jamie : I'chiliad scared of not existence with you.

    Landon : Oh baby, that volition never happen... I'll be here.

  • Landon : Jamie... I love you lot.

    [long pause]

    Landon : Now would be the time to say something.

    Jamie : I told yous not to fall in love with me.

  • Landon : Hey. How are you feeling?

    Jamie : I'g ok, how are you?

    Landon : Pretty good.

    Jamie : I have something for you.

    Landon : You practice?

    Jamie : Uh hmm... Don't worry it'southward not a bible. It was my mother'due south. It's got quotes from all her favorite books, and quotes by famous people. Her thoughts. Come on.

    Landon : Okay, let'southward cheque information technology out. Okay..."What is a friend? It's a unmarried soul home in two bodies." -Aristotle.

    Jamie : Uh uh, right here.

    Landon : Okay. "Detect out who you are, and do it on purpose." That's Dolly Parton.

    Jamie : I always idea she was smart.

    Landon : "Love is always patient and kind. Information technology is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take criminal offense and is not resentful."

  • Jamie : You lot know what I figured out today?

    Landon : What?

    Jamie : Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'k sick. To help me through all this. You're my angel.

  • Landon : Do you love me?

    [she nods]

    Landon : Will you exercise something for me, then?

    Jamie : [smiles] Anything.

    Landon : Volition y'all marry me?

    [Jamie smiles and kisses him]

  • Dean : If there is a college power, why is it He can't get you a new sweater?

    Jamie : He's too busy looking for your encephalon.

  • Landon : I might kiss y'all.

    Jamie : I might be bad at information technology.

    Landon : That's not possible.

  • Jamie : You lot have to promise you won't fall in honey with me.

    Landon : That'south non a problem.

  • Jamie : I'g sick.

    Landon : I'll accept you habitation. You'll be be...

    Jamie : No. Landon! I'thou ill. I accept Leukemia.

    Landon : No. You're 18. Yous - you're perfect.

    Jamie : No. I found out two years ago and I've stopped responding to treatments.

    Landon : So why didn't yous tell me?

    Jamie : The doctor said I should keep and alive life normally equally best I could. I - I didn't desire anybody to be weird around me.

    Landon : Including me?

    Jamie : Peculiarly you!

    [Jamie looks down]

    Jamie : [Landon gets upset]

    Jamie : Ya know, I was getting forth with everything fine. I accepted information technology, and then yous happened! I exercise not need a reason to be angry with God.

    [Jamie runs away]

  • Jamie : You don't know the first thing about being someone's friend.

    Landon : I don't want to simply be your friend.

    Jamie : Yous don't know what you want.

    Landon : Neither do y'all. Maybe you're but as well scared that someone might really want to be with yous.

    Jamie : And why would that scare me?

    Landon : Because then y'all wouldn't exist able to hide behind your books, or your frickin' telescope, or your religion. No, no, you know the real reason why you're scared? It's cause you wanna exist with me too.

  • Jamie : Yous're acting like a crazy person, what'southward going on?

    Landon : Right now, you're straddling the state line.

    Jamie : OK...

    Landon : You're in 2 places at once.

  • Landon : Tin yous find this star, right here?

    Jamie : Sure. So why am I looking for this star?

    Landon : Because I had it named for y'all. Come across? Information technology'due south official. It'due south from the International Star Registry.

    Jamie : This is wonderful... I dear you.

  • Jamie : Are you lot trying to seduce me?

    Landon : Why? Are you seducible?

  • Jamie : How tin you see places like this... and have moments like this and not believe?

    Landon : You're lucky to be so sure.

    Jamie : It'southward like the wind. I tin can't... see information technology, but I feel it.

  • Jamie : [crying, runs into Landon]

    Landon : [holds her] This is about me, okay? This is not you. Look here.

    Jamie : [nods]

  • Jamie : [to Landon] You lot're my angel.

  • Landon : Jamie, I'm trying here, OK? Maybe... maybe I miss spending time with you. Maybe you lot inspire me.

    Jamie : Sounds like bull.

    Landon : Which role?

    Jamie : All of it.

    Landon : Well information technology'south non!

    Jamie : Prove it.

  • Jamie : Please don't pretend similar you lot know me, ok?

    Landon : But I do, I exercise. We've had all the same classes in the same school since kindergarten. Why you're Jamie Sullivan. You sit at luncheon table 7. Which isn't exactly the refuse table, but is definitely in self exile territory. You lot have exactly i sweater. You like to look at your anxiety when yous walk. Oh, oh, and yeah, for fun, you like to tutor on weekends and hang out with the cool kids from "Stars and Planets." Now how does that audio?

    Jamie : Thoroughly anticipated, nothing I haven't heard earlier.

    Landon : You don't care what people think about you?

    Jamie : No.

  • Jamie : And then, would it impale you lot to try?

    Landon : Yup, and I'thou too young to die.

  • Landon : Listen, Jamie, I was hoping we could run lines together?

    Jamie : Okay, but only not so everyone knows, right?

    Landon : Well I simply figured we could surprise everyone with how proficient I get.

    Jamie : Similar we could be hugger-mugger friends.

    Landon : Exactly, exactly it'due south similar you're reading my mind.

    Jamie : Nifty umm... maybe y'all could read mine.

    [she gives him a cold glare and turns away]

    Landon : Jamie, Jamie I tin't just be your friend.

    Jamie : Landon, wait, I thought I saw something in you, something adept, merely I was very wrong.

  • [at the hospital]

    Reverend Sullivan : Do you remember when you were about v or six and you said you hated gravity? And you wanted to bound off the roof and wing?

    Jamie : I was and then angry at you lot for making me come up down.

    Reverend Sullivan : Honey, if I kept you lot too close it'south considering I wanted to keep you longer. You lot know, when I lost your mother, I was agape that my heart would never open up again. Jamie, I couldn't look at you for days.

  • Landon : What'd you tell your begetter?

    Jamie : The truth. I simply left you lot out of information technology.

  • Jamie : [after she and Landon keep switching the radio station] Xl-two.

    Landon : "Xl-two", what do you-what practice you mean "forty-two"?

    Jamie : Forty-ii is "Befriend somebody I don't like". Information technology'due south a to-practice list I have.

    Landon : What, like getting a new personality?

    Jamie : Spend a twelvemonth in the Peace Corps, brand a medical discovery...

    Landon : That'due south aggressive.

    Jamie : ...Be in two places at once, get a tattoo.

    Landon : What's number one?

    Jamie : I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

  • Landon : So, what's your number one?

    Jamie : To marry in the church my mother grew up. It's where my parents were married.

  • Landon : What are you doing hither?

    Jamie : I could enquire you the aforementioned question.

    Landon : Do yous ordinarily walk solitary in cemeteries at dark?

    Jamie : Maybe.

  • Jamie : Without suffering there would be no compassion.

    Landon : Yep, well tell that to those who endure.

  • Jamie : Brand yourself at home.

    Landon : Yeah!


    Landon : Information technology's not likely.

  • Jamie : [Speaking to someone else] This is a star frame and it will help you locate stars and planets with your naked eye. Mercury and Jupiter tin can be seen just over the w south west of the horizon after sunset.

    Dean : Bet you can see angels up at that place flying around.

    Jamie : In fact, there are some things that they telephone call miraculous. Einstein said the more than he studied the universe, the more than he believed in a college power.

    Dean : Well, if there is a college power, then why is it he can't go you a new sweater?

    [His friends express mirth]

    Jamie : He'southward too busy looking for your brain.

    Eric : Ohhhhh, dayaaaaam!


  • Jamie : People tin can meet.

    Landon : And that would ruin your reputation how?

  • Jamie : What do you lot desire Carter? I've known yous for years and yous've never been the outset 1 to come up up and say "hullo."

  • Jamie : OK, then y'all don't care about classes or graduating, but you similar schoolhouse considering you're pop and you'll never be on top again.

    Landon : That'south thoroughly predictable.

    Jamie : Your act only works on an audience.


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